nobody’s gonna get me outta here


nobody’s gonna get me outta here – the art community of Pampsee
2013 © Jens Kalanke

The project MI KRICHT HIER KEENER MEHR WECH (nobody’s gonna get me outta here) | THE ART COMMUNITY OF PAMPSEE had been developed together by barbara caveng and the residents of the community of Blankensee (district Blankensee and district Pampow with Freienstein) in the period from April to September 2013. The project series Kunst fürs Dorf is an initiative of the foundation “Deutschen Stiftung Kulturlandschafft”. The project course over six months was documented by arte.
You can follow the devolpment of the project and the artists pain and suffer on the project website of Kunstgemeinde Pampsee.
The project has been documented over six months and broadcasted by arte – tv channel in 2013 .