READY NOW | 2003 |carpet handknotted, 4,5 x 2.5 m | 30 0000 knots | ©frank hülsbömer
READY NOW is an installation project, which took shape and was realised through broad-based, religious as well as nationally varied participation between the months of may and december 2003 in berlin – along 2nd Iraqi war. It poses the question of personal cultural identity as against the collectivism as instrumentalised by the media and state or religious sponsers. The centre of the installation is a carpet, 4,5m x 2,5m big, which resembles in design the oriental prayer mat. In the background of the carpet sails the american aircraft carrier abraham lincoln with the words READY NOW formed by human bodies. relgious symbolism collides with armed conflict, just as the conflict between the occidental and oriental ideology has been presented since some years as well by the media to push through prevailing interests.
From may 20 to november 23 the motif of the of the abraham lincoln was realized by hand as a carpet with the formal structure of a prayer rug with the dimensions of 4350 x 2170mm and 30’000 knots. the participants met at the carpet-knotting table in a kind of blinddate: usually they did not know each other before.
Please find a detailed documentation on the project website