HA[A]RVEST – a social sculpture made of 300 kg of human hairs ©Susanne Menzel
HA[A]RVEST is a project by barbara caveng realized while artist in residence at Künstlerdorf Schöppingen 2019 in collaboration with 120 hair dressers, their clients and Lohnunternehmen Möllenkotte.
After 120 days of hair recovery, collecting, sorting, sewing and back combing of curls, strands and shocks, after countless discussions about hair and beauty beyond the ‘short back & sides’ or perm waves, in thoughts about the existence of human, in consideration of the clienteles needs and the perceptions and conditions of 120 hairdressers from Münsterland region, after an introduction to agricultural engineering and
the essence of the agricultural machine, questioned whether round or square bale, it is done: The collection of 300kg of human hair was transformed into a social sculpture: HA[A]RVEST.
The collective crop of 300 kg of hair was pressed into a hairball in a public ceremony at harvest time in September 2019.

exhibition view AMNESIA , Kloster Bentlage 2020
videodocumentation of the hair baling event on September 7, 2020 at Künstlerdorf Schöppingen.