black sky – черное небо | Krasnojarsk 2019 ©Sergei Soshenko
A piece of heaven falls to earth. An astronaut lands. His flying into the future, driven by the thrust of visionary thoughts, descends on the ashes of the scorched present. Human memory dies away in the sky black. A devasted world is left behind. The imagery of forest is no more a refuge for the longing of the romanticists. Nocturnal starless firmament became suprematistic area.
An astronaut lands at the Ploschad Lenina metro station in Novosibirks. He stands on the ground of a black square. The black square consists of coal and pieces of burnt Siberian forest from the Krasnoyarsk region. Four performers from the dancetheater Synesthetika enliven the dead tree trunks. Together with the audience, they grind the coal into pigment like a ritual and print postcards with the Malevichian motif of the black square. The symbol of objectlessness becomes a souvenir of a burned world.
Ein Astronaut landet in der Metrostation Ploschad Lenina in Nowosibirks. Er steht auf dem Grund eines schwarzen Quadrates. Das schwarze Quadrat besteht aus Kohle und Baumstücken verbrannten Sibirischen Waldes der Region Krasnojarsk. Vier PerformerInnen des Tanztheaters Synesthetika beleben die toten Baumstämme. In einer rituellen Handlung zermahlen sie gemeinsam mit dem Publikum die Kohle zu Pigment und bedrucken Postkarten mit dem Malewitsch’schen Motiv des schwarzen Quadrates. Das Symbol der Gegenstandslosigkeit wird zum Erinnerungsmotiv an eine verbrannte Welt.
With the intervention black sky – черное небо the artists and performers thematize the deconstruction of nature by humans themselves: worldwide blazing forest fires devastate the ecosystem, poison the air to breathe, darken the horizon.
A piece of heaven falls to earth. An astronaut lands.
barbara caveng and Synesthetika |
in the scope of ’48 hours Novosibirsk – contemporary art festival’ | 14. & 15.9.2019 |Metrostation Ploschad Lenina, Novosibirsk. | Goethe Institut Novosibirsk & Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln
Барбара Кавенг в сотрудничестве с театром Синестетика.
Создано в рамках фестиваля современного искусства 48 часов Новосибирск | 2019
Performers | Перформеры
barbara caveng | барбара кавенг
Anastasiya Kaygorodtseva | Анастасия Кайгородцева
Andrey Korolenko | Андрей Короленко
Alexandra Churkina | Александра Чуркина
Arseniy Yarovikov | Арсений Яровиков
Projectmanagment | Руководители проекта: Marija Zykova | Мария Зыкова
Video und Postproduction | Видео и монтаж: Evgeny Kazakov | Евегений Казаков
With generous support of Goethe Institutes Nowosibirsk and Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln | 48 Stunden Neukölln | При щедрой поддержке Института Гете, Новосибирск и Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln / 48 Stunden Neukölln / 48 часов Нойкельн
Special thanks to the Metro Nowosibirsk | Отдельное спасибо Новосибирскому метро